高考英语试题 手机站


时间:2019-01-07 04:57:10 高考英语试题 投诉建议



  cook; prepare a meal


  匆匆做饭 knock sb up

  在家做饭 Cooking at home ; Home Cooking

  她做饭 Her cooking ; She cooks ; Cook

  早起做饭 waking up early cooking ; Get up early to cook ; Get up early cooking

  学会做饭 Learn to cook ; Learn Cook ; Cooking Institute

  害怕做饭 Afraid to cook ; The fear prepares food ; Afraid cooking

  做饭呢 Cook ; Cooking it

  怎样做饭 How to cook ; How prepares food

  同做饭 come togethercook together


  1. 第一天叫我做饭,闹铃也开了,我感觉心里有事了,一晚上不知道醒了多少次,也没有睡好,幸好6点起来了,给他们做好了早饭,第2天就坏了,闹铃也听不见了,一觉睡到7点,晚了饭还是要做的,只不过是晚吃一点就是了。

  Day I has let me cook meal, the noisy bell has also bloomed, I have felt have sth. on one's mind to be engaged, as soon as do not know having been awake also slept well, got up luckily at 6 o'clock much time, in the evening, have been ready for breakfast for them, 2nd day has broken down, the noisy bell has also been unable to hear, one sleep to 7 o'clock, late meal of sleep still is to be going to compose, just being it is exactly by one point lately.

  2. 实验室物理学家AG及实验工程师CG希望设计出廉价节能的火炉来帮助这些妇女,这种火炉使用的柴火还不到目前难民们用来做饭生火所需柴火的一半。

  Lab physicist Ashok Gadgil and lab engineer Christie Galitsky hope to help the women by designing inexpensive, energy-efficient stoves that use less than half the wood needed to fuel the fires the refugees currently use for cooking.

  3. 如何不好,可他在10年时,除了做饭,打扫卫生,洗衣,做你还有功课,以监督和万圣节服饰作?

  How bad will he be in 10 years when, on top of cooking, cleaning, and laundry to do, you still have homework to supervise and Halloween costumes to make?

  4. 除了上面提到的静坐沉思以外,做饭洗刷也是禅宗和尚一天中很值得赞善的部分之一。

  Zen monks spend part of their day in service to others, whether that be other monks in the monastery or people on the outside world.

  5. 我宁愿刷碗也不想做饭。

  B:I would rather do the dishes than cook.

  6. 我正准备做饭

  I was going to cook some lunch.

  7. 后来看Denise做饭,她用青白两种芦笋,我问为什么有白芦笋,她说就是芦笋一直盖在土里长的,感觉有点象我们的韭黄。

  Later I see Denise cook green and white asparagus, so it is.

  8. 28日早,我们小母牛的员工收到一名几天来和南方都市报记者前往各灾区的志愿者发来的一条求救短信:北川县禹里乡青石小学校长姚永红,守着学校不能出来,帮几千逃不出来的乡亲做饭,粮食已快用尽,姚校长电话:13981109786。

  On the morning of May 28th, one of heifer stuff received a SOS text message sent from a volunteer accompanying a Nanfang Daily journalist: Yao Yong Hong, the principal of Qing Shi Elementary School in Yu Li County of Bei Chuan Town who was cooking for more than 1, 000 villagers who cannot manage to escape, claimed the food is running out, the principal`s mobile number is 13981109786, the signal is on and off repeatedly.

  9. 当我到家时,妈妈正开始做饭。

  When I got home, mother was beginning to cook supper.

  10. 虽然经常是书上谈兵,实际操作不多。现在开始也爱上了呆在厨房里做饭菜!

  Before I only enjoyed watching the cooking program on TV, but now I really enjoy experiencing cooking in the kitchen!!

  11. 我希望你会做饭,我喜欢在厨房里帮忙。

  I would want my soulmate to know how to cook!! I love helping in the kicthen an doing thing around the house!

  12. 早晨从床上起来,看见我妈正在生火做饭,手里拿着金属打火机在灶坑里点火。

  When I woke up in the morning, I found my mother was firing with a lighter to make our house warmer.

  13. 在中国,刀是在做饭时用来切菜的,而不是用来吃饭的。

  In China a knife is considered to be a cooking and preparation utensil, not one for eating with.

  14. 新娘并敬茶给公公婆婆及男方亲友婚礼后礼仪婚礼后第二天﹐如果新人同公婆同住﹐新娘应该起早做饭给公婆。

  To the bride and mother-in-law and father-in-law male relatives after the wedding the day after the wedding rites, if people live with parents-in-law, the bride should be addressed to the parents-in-law起早cooking.

  15. 我又开始自己做饭了。

  I'm starting to cook alot again.

  16. 这样可不太公平,我们说好了的,你必须去做饭。

  That is not fair! We made a deal! You have to make dinner!

  17. 除此之外,她身上还有一股味道,火烧火燎的焦臭,但绝不是烧柴做饭的味道。

  Her complexion was dark, as if sunburned.

  18. 找一个会做饭爱清洁的女人很重要

  It is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.

  19. 我也喜欢做饭和下馆子。

  I also love the cooking, and dining out.

  20. 因为热水在真空管和水箱的矿石缝隙之间反复循环过滤,所以出来的水很干净,达到65度以上可以直接饮用,并且口感很好,做饭有紫砂容器的增味防馊效果。

  Because the hot water repeats circling and filters in the gap of valves and water, so the water out of it is very clean and drinkable when it reaches 65 degrees or higher and tastes good, food tastes good if water is used to cook.











